AO: ao-yard
Q: Deuces
PAX: Saints (17/135), Fauci, Squeeky, Skidz, Yard dog, Boitano, Coconut, Deuces, Moen (15/100), Quick Release (9/175), Squid (Ryan Smith), The Floaties (15/100), Regerts , @Boitano
FNGs: 1 @Boitano
CONDITIONS: a chilly Moen-ing
WARMUP: SSHs, Reverse Indian run: backwards lunges with Bernie Sanders
THE THANG: DORA BOMBS, 5xburpees, 10x outlaws
15xmerkins, 20xbbsus, 25xsquats. farmer’s carry while partner does exercises. Exerciser runs to catch up with partner and swaps.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayer requests for friends families, for students and teachers. All thoughts while taking a shower are shower thoughts.
COT: Done!
Q: Deuces
PAX: Saints (17/135), Fauci, Squeeky, Skidz, Yard dog, Boitano, Coconut, Deuces, Moen (15/100), Quick Release (9/175), Squid (Ryan Smith), The Floaties (15/100), Regerts , @Boitano
FNGs: 1 @Boitano
CONDITIONS: a chilly Moen-ing
WARMUP: SSHs, Reverse Indian run: backwards lunges with Bernie Sanders
THE THANG: DORA BOMBS, 5xburpees, 10x outlaws
15xmerkins, 20xbbsus, 25xsquats. farmer’s carry while partner does exercises. Exerciser runs to catch up with partner and swaps.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayer requests for friends families, for students and teachers. All thoughts while taking a shower are shower thoughts.
COT: Done!