Tool Time at The Tracks – repeat-ish

AO: ao-tracks
Q: Harding
PAX: Luau (12/200), Chubbs, (Ratatouille) -(73/108), Holy Water, F3 Stumpjumper – Chip Fesperman, Harding
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Low-mid 30’s

SSH, butt kicks up-downs, hillbillies, mtn man poopers, arm circles OYO while explaining BD format

Tool Time EMOM:
Every minute, on the minute perform a station, then rotate to the next.
Every station follows the format:
Exercise x reps + Mosey to end of turf, 1x Burpee, mosey back

Stations – Round 1: (repeated twice)
Battle Rope: 20x seated Rainbow slams (single ct)
Landmine: 10x (5x each side) kneeling curl to OH press
Sandbag: 10x High Pulls
Ruck Plate: 15x Halos (single ct)
20lb DB: 10x Renegade Merkins (M+L+R=1)
10lb plate on strap: 10x lateral raises

Stations – Round 2: (repeated twice)
Battle Rope: Plank weighted rope pull (reset during mosey)
Landmine: 10x kneeling 180’s (AC)
Sandbag: 10x Rows
Ruck Plate: 10x Merkin Pull throughs (single ct)
20lb DB: 10x curls to OH press
10lb plate on strap: 10x reverse flies

Leg Bonus Round – All Pax together
“Bouncy” stationary variant or Lt. Dan’s
1x low bounce squat + 1x L/R Bonnie Blair,
2x + 2x, 3x + 3x… and so on. Until 6x.

Rock around the clock until time

Reminder about Q source and this week’s topic: Disruption.
2nd F event reminder.
Prayers for Pax family members dealing with difficult situations.

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