AO: ao-sasquatch
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Dovetail, Hyzer (17/200), Platypus, SUDS
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 40 clear
WARMUP: ssh, weak picker, Tennessee rockers, Popeyes punches. Bac
THE THANG:The Thang:
B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T BD ” for “beatdown”. PAX was asked to stay together at the end of each round for a mosey around the parking lot between exercises.
B -ig Boys (40)
R -everse Crunch (40)
E – arl Fonda (40) (on side 1upward jane fonda, 2 down, 3bring leg to chest, and back, legs don’t touch ground.
A -merican hammers (40 alpha)
K – nee Triceps Merkin 40
F -reddie Mercury (40 alpha)
A -lternating shoulder taps (40 alpha)
S -quats (40)
T -riple Nickel (run to the bottm of the stairs for 5 derkins using the steps, and back to the top for 5 x Monkey humpers. We did 4 rounds.
Q: Dovetail
PAX: Dovetail, Hyzer (17/200), Platypus, SUDS
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 40 clear
WARMUP: ssh, weak picker, Tennessee rockers, Popeyes punches. Bac
THE THANG:The Thang:
B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T BD ” for “beatdown”. PAX was asked to stay together at the end of each round for a mosey around the parking lot between exercises.
B -ig Boys (40)
R -everse Crunch (40)
E – arl Fonda (40) (on side 1upward jane fonda, 2 down, 3bring leg to chest, and back, legs don’t touch ground.
A -merican hammers (40 alpha)
K – nee Triceps Merkin 40
F -reddie Mercury (40 alpha)
A -lternating shoulder taps (40 alpha)
S -quats (40)
T -riple Nickel (run to the bottm of the stairs for 5 derkins using the steps, and back to the top for 5 x Monkey humpers. We did 4 rounds.
B -urpees (40) Ring of Fire
D – ry docks (40)
MARY: no time
COT: pax anxiety wows, shorty reading challenges, American Airlines/Army victims in DC