AO: ao-yard
Q: Fauci
PAX: Fauci, Gilligan, Moen (7/100), Saints (8/135), The Floaties (7/100), 0
FNGs: 1 0
CONDITIONS: 30 degrees and windy
WARMUP: Mosey to get coupon and return to parking lot, SSH, Windmills, Tie Fighters
Each lamppost is a stations. Shoulder or rifle carry coupon between stations. First round do all 8 exercises (1 exercise per station). Next round drop the last exercise. Rinse and repeat until complete.
#1 Blockees-5
#2 Kettle bell swings-10
#3 Canukins- 15
#4 Goblet Squats-20
#5 Bent Rows- 25
#6 Overhead Press- 30
#7 Heavy Freddies-35
#8 Curls-40
MARY: Wave of Box Cutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Canukins: similar to a Merkin just higher (elevated on a coupon)
COT: Prayers for men who have not yet found F3 but need it in their life
Q: Fauci
PAX: Fauci, Gilligan, Moen (7/100), Saints (8/135), The Floaties (7/100), 0
FNGs: 1 0
CONDITIONS: 30 degrees and windy
WARMUP: Mosey to get coupon and return to parking lot, SSH, Windmills, Tie Fighters
Each lamppost is a stations. Shoulder or rifle carry coupon between stations. First round do all 8 exercises (1 exercise per station). Next round drop the last exercise. Rinse and repeat until complete.
#1 Blockees-5
#2 Kettle bell swings-10
#3 Canukins- 15
#4 Goblet Squats-20
#5 Bent Rows- 25
#6 Overhead Press- 30
#7 Heavy Freddies-35
#8 Curls-40
MARY: Wave of Box Cutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Canukins: similar to a Merkin just higher (elevated on a coupon)
COT: Prayers for men who have not yet found F3 but need it in their life