AO: ao-sasquatch
PAX: Hyzer (12/200), Platypus, SUDS
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and clear
WARMUP: 50 yard shuttle Run aka ‘suicides’
1. Five stations approximately 10 yards apart.
2. Do a shuttle Run to each station, read the exercise card and run back to the start
3. Do the correct number of reps for the exercise
4. Three Rounds
Station 1 ( 5 reps):
– Round 1: Merkins
– Round 2: No Cheats
– Round 3: Carolina Dry Socks
Station 2 ( 10 reps):
– Round 1: Squats with Coupon
– Round 2: Side Lunges
– Round 3: Jump Squats
Station 3 (15 reps):
– Round 1: Audible – Murder Bunny 20 yards
– Round 2: Audible – 75 Side shuttle hops
– Round 3: 15 Blockies ( Burpees with a Coupon)
Station 4 (20 reps):
– Round 1: Box Cutters
– Round 2: Flutter Kicks
– Round 3: Big Boys
Station 5 (25 reps):
– Round 1: WW3 Sit Ups
– Round 2: Coupon Press -like a bench press
– Round 3: Coupon Overhead Press
MARY: 15 minutes of Mary, this was some very good core work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stone Mountain Ruck Saturday at 6:30 meet Hyzer (12/200)
COT: Yes
PAX: Hyzer (12/200), Platypus, SUDS
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and clear
WARMUP: 50 yard shuttle Run aka ‘suicides’
1. Five stations approximately 10 yards apart.
2. Do a shuttle Run to each station, read the exercise card and run back to the start
3. Do the correct number of reps for the exercise
4. Three Rounds
Station 1 ( 5 reps):
– Round 1: Merkins
– Round 2: No Cheats
– Round 3: Carolina Dry Socks
Station 2 ( 10 reps):
– Round 1: Squats with Coupon
– Round 2: Side Lunges
– Round 3: Jump Squats
Station 3 (15 reps):
– Round 1: Audible – Murder Bunny 20 yards
– Round 2: Audible – 75 Side shuttle hops
– Round 3: 15 Blockies ( Burpees with a Coupon)
Station 4 (20 reps):
– Round 1: Box Cutters
– Round 2: Flutter Kicks
– Round 3: Big Boys
Station 5 (25 reps):
– Round 1: WW3 Sit Ups
– Round 2: Coupon Press -like a bench press
– Round 3: Coupon Overhead Press
MARY: 15 minutes of Mary, this was some very good core work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stone Mountain Ruck Saturday at 6:30 meet Hyzer (12/200)
COT: Yes