[ao-hall-of-justice] Miyagi making stuff up

AO: ao-hall-of-justice
Q: Miyagi
PAX: Val, Luau (11/200), YouTube
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 32 degrees and dry

WARMUP: YouTube led this because I was late :man-facepalming:

– bear crawl 30 feet then 2 burpees: 10x
– Bernie from stage to Humpty Dumpty then sprint back. Do it again, but 2 burpees at each light post.
– Side shuffle from stage to Humpty Dumpty with 2 squats at each light post.
– 10 burpees
– ACTIVE REST: walk around the stage
– At a small staircase: 10 reps at bottom, 8 at top, 6 at bottom, 4 at top, 2 at bottom. Did Big Boy Sit-ups first, then we did Superman’s, then Lunges, then finished with Merkins.
– Burpee-broad jumps from lamp post by stage to lamp post by fountain.

MARY: American Hammers, Box Cutters, X-ups, Burpees


COT: Luau’s son starts lacrosse, YouTube’s son competing in All State for orchestra, Val’s daughter participating in winter guard

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