Q: Meatloaf
PAX: Mutt, G String, Nugget
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 26 and clear :cold_face:
WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan night clubs, Michael Phelps/Phillips, Tennessee Rocking Chairs, high knees, tumbleweeds
Moseyed down to the coupon pit to select our poison. Stayed in the amphitheater.
*Each exercise x 15 reps; run the stairs 2x between rounds.
Round 1: overhead press, merkins, rows, tricep press, curls
Round 2: goblet squats, lunges, calf raises, step ups, hip thrusters, plank with alternating rows
Round 3: American hammers, plank for 1 minute, leg raises, burpees, Freddie Mercuries.
Repeat, but with 10x reps and 1 lap around the stairs.
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2F meetup at 1910 on Feb. 7. Let HuggyBear know if you gonna go by Jan. 31.
COT: A safe trip for all the guys skiing and those sitting in the lodge or at the blackjack table. G String ‘s morning sickness (and M’s). His karate tourney. BLART 03/200 to feel better (as well as everyone else sick … something is really going sound). Lifted up Nugget and our other teens in school. Travel safety for my 2.0s going to church winter retreat.