Trindy – trial run

AO: ao-tracks
Q: Harding
PAX: Pipes, Luau (8/200), Birdie (2/150), Harding, Madison
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mid-20’s, feels like fuel for the soul.

SSH, butt kicks up/downs, copperhead squats, mosey to funky tree…

Modified version of Mindy (Which in itself it’s a combination of Murph + Cindy), adapted for this AO and F3. (Cindy reference HERE)

Scoring system TBD, this is a trial/calibration run 🙂

Timer will be set for 30 minutes. Complete as many rounds as possible of:

1 full lap around playground
10x Inverted Rows (aka hinge pull-ups) on handrail.
10x Merkins
15x Squats
20x Gas Pumpers

We completed 10 rounds around the 28 min mark. Last lap was a half lap through the playground for time and catch up with the 6.

10-count and slosh back to the turf.

Rock around the clock, reverse t-bombs, cadence merkins, rope climbers, j-los

Q source study starts next Monday. Check slack channel qsource for details.

Prayers for Pax and Family members dealing with their jesters, struggles at home, work and those people in need in California.

Glad to have Madison DR from HQ in Charlotte!

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