AO: ao-tracks
Q: Birdie (2/150)
PAX: Luau (8/200), Pipes, Harding, Boardwalk, Birdie (2/150)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: frigid & windy
WARMUP: after quick disclaimer, we did Weed Picker, Wind Mills, SSH, Copper Head Squat, Imperial Walker & Moroccan Night Club. Then we moved to the parking garage.
8 cones setup along the parking garage. We will perform the exercise at each station. Zamperini between each cone. First round do all the exercises on each cone, zamperini to cone #1 (like a loop). Next round, drop the last exercise, rinse & repeat until complete or time.
#1 Burpees – 5
#2 Kettle Bell Swing – 10
#3 Diamond Merkins – 15
#4 Goblet Squat – 20
#5 American Hammer – AC – 25
#6 Overhead Press – 30
#7 Reverse Crunch – 35
#8 Curl – 40
Q: Birdie (2/150)
PAX: Luau (8/200), Pipes, Harding, Boardwalk, Birdie (2/150)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: frigid & windy
WARMUP: after quick disclaimer, we did Weed Picker, Wind Mills, SSH, Copper Head Squat, Imperial Walker & Moroccan Night Club. Then we moved to the parking garage.
8 cones setup along the parking garage. We will perform the exercise at each station. Zamperini between each cone. First round do all the exercises on each cone, zamperini to cone #1 (like a loop). Next round, drop the last exercise, rinse & repeat until complete or time.
#1 Burpees – 5
#2 Kettle Bell Swing – 10
#3 Diamond Merkins – 15
#4 Goblet Squat – 20
#5 American Hammer – AC – 25
#6 Overhead Press – 30
#7 Reverse Crunch – 35
#8 Curl – 40
We managed to complete 7 rounds.
MARY: did not have time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: QSource started Monday 1/13, check Slack for detail information.
COT: Prayer for PAX dealing with illness, Boardwalk’s M pregnancy.