FREE Fun Coupons

AO: ao-tracks
Q: Harding
PAX: Harding, Luau (19/200), Pigskin, Pigskin
FNGs: 1 Pigskin
CONDITIONS: balmy 33F with some wind

Mosey out of the wind, SSH, IW, mosey to wall,
Combo: (alpha) high Mohamed Ali’s + plank toe touches, 1×1, 2×2, 3×3… to…

Back to turf and coupons…

Complete set of exercise 1&2 pair, then mosey to end of turf -ex3-, mosey back to coupon.
Repeat 3x then switch to next exercise group.

10x side to side merkins on coupon
20x rows
10x mtn climbers

10x kb swings
20x curls
10x dips

10x Oh press
20x goblet squats
10x donkey kicks

Low Peter Parker’s, Jlo’s…
(and because we had an FNG, had to..)
Pickle pounders, Pickle pointers
(…then back to normal)
rope climbers, freddy mercuries
bouncy stationary Lt Dan’s
Light Stretching…

Welcome FNG Pigskin!!

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