Blimps and Light Posts

AO: Hall of Justice
When: 07/20/2021
Number of PAX: 7
PAX Names: homer, val, Smoked, Long Haul, YouTube, ISS, Sugar,
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Homer

Took the trek up to Suwanee to lead the men at the Hall of Justice. DIdn't know the status of rain. We would get wet if it did rain. It held off.

Quick mosey behind stage. Wait to see if any late PAX show. Weedpicker, Windmill, Hill Billy. Moroccan Night Club as we walk toward the crosswalk.

Mosey through the tunnel to the library parking lot. Pick an area for the THANG.


Partner Up. Partner A will run a lap, Partner B will perform Exercises. Partners work together to complete:
50 Burpees
100 Lunges (50/leg)
150 Imperial Walkers
200 Merkins
250 Presses (air press)
300 Side Straddle Hops *y'all thought we missed them in the WarmUp

When Done, 10 count. Mosey toward Sidewalk.

YHC had noticed a stretch of Light Posts to the right of the tunnel that heads down toward old town Suwanee. At some point, we will need to explore that area. With the time left, group mosied, 5 posts, and then turned around. Idea was to do an ab exercise then traverse the light post distance in a different manner. We ended up:
20 V-Ups then Broad Jump / Bunny Hop / Modify to next post
20 Flutter Kicks (alpha count) then BearCrawl to next post
20 somethings (I can't remember…) then we needed to get back because of time, so we mosey through tunnel across street and back to stage.

On stage, we did some Shoulder Taps. Gas Pumpers… and what do you know… our first train whistle. 10 Burpee Penalty for all.

a few other Mary items and Time.

Prayer specifically for new school year, as teachers getting prepared again and students get ready.

Didn't think Tuesdays would be possible to get up to the Hall and then back to Peachtree Corners before I have to get to my Tuesday Church Job. Thankfully, I'm starting to get productivity and spinning of plates organized. Definitely thankful to see the Gwinnett PAX at the Hall and the Meathouse more on Tuesdays. Not sure I can do a Tuesday at the YARD, but we will see if I can get out there on a Thursday sometime.

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